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The Best Conditions for a Wind Turbine

2nd August, 2012

To get maximum yield from your wind turbine then you need to get the conditions right. There are various elements that you have to contend with when installing a wind turbine. By narrowing down and eliminating the good conditions from the bad you can make a judgemental decision on whether or not to go through with the investment.

Before you start the installation it is important to assess the wind speed and conditions before taking on a wind turbine, as this is crucial for the turbine’s efficiency. Wind turbines work best in rural areas as this reduces turbulence which is caused by obstacles, for instance, buildings and trees. For best results, an ideal wind speed would reach 5 metres per second and to measure wind speeds there are a number of different devices which are accessible to you. Inevitably with a stronger wind speed then a higher return is received. Small domestic wind systems are beneficial for those who live in remote areas, where electricity mains are unavailable, thus giving you off-grid possibilities.

Wind turbines also need to fit certain criteria before constructed, which varies depending on your choice of turbine. In some cases, turbines can be classified under Permitted Development, therefore planning permission is not needed. A brief list of the criteria in relation to your turbine can be found below, however criteria has proven to be very complex so seeking further information is advised.

Building-Mounted Turbines

  • The house must be detached
  • The turbine must be at least be five metres away from the edge of the property
  • The turbine blades must be 15 metres above ground and must be no more than three metres above the top of the house

Pole-Mounted Turbines

  • The top of the turbine is no more than 11.1 metres above the ground
  • The entire turbine is at least 1.1 times the height of the turbine away from the edge of the property

Both Types

  • There are no other wind turbine and/or air source heat pump on site
  • The bottom of the blades is at least five metres above ground
  • The turbine’s swept area is no more than 3.8 m2
  • The site is not on land safeguarded for aviation or defence purposes

Ultimately, ensuring you have the right conditions is crucial to getting the maximum output of your turbine. Seeking professional advice is also a must to assess the situation fully.